Why Industrial Automation?

Importance of industrial automation - 

  • To increase productivity
Automation of factory or manufacturing or process plant improves production rate through better control of production. It helps to produce mass production by drastically reducing assembly time per product with greater product quality. Therefore, for a given labor input it produces a large amount of output.
  • To provide the optimum cost of operation
The integration of various processes in the industry with automated machinery minimizes cycle times and effort and hence the need for human labor gets reduced. Thus the investment of employees has been saved with automation.
  • To improve product quality
Since the automation reduces human involvement, the possibility of human errors also gets eliminated. Uniformity and product quality with greater conformity can be maintained with automation by adaptively controlling and monitoring the industrial processes in all stages right from the inception of a product to an end product.
  • To reduce routine checks
Automation completely reduces the need for manual checking of various process parameters. By taking advantage of automation technologies, industrial processes automatically adjusts process variables to set or desired values using closed-loop control techniques.
  • To raise the level of safety
Industrial automation increases the level of safety to personnel by substituting them with automated machines in hazardous working conditions. Traditionally, industrial robots and robotic devices are implemented in such risky and hazardous places.

As the top automation company in Pune, Mekonix Systems, is one of India's leading providers of industrial automation solutions with expertise in industrial automation products, automation systems, and advanced automation. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Pune, Mekonix Systems is Pune's most sought after automation company, offering the best solutions in special purpose machines, pick and place systems, industrial equipment, and material handling systems.

Read more about automation companies in India


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