Little known benefits of industrial automation


Before getting into the benefits of Industrial Automation, it is best that one is familiar with the term. In simple words, Industrial Automation can be described as the systematic installation of connected technologies that replace human workers associated with the handling of critical processes in an industrial environment.

Industrial automation is successfully implemented in a manufacturing plant when the following are installed in its premises:

  • PLCs
  • PCs
  • PACs,
  • Interconnected devices,
  • Pre-programmed robots and several other connected solutions.

The advent of modern technology has made industrial automation a fact from mere theory. Without industrial automation, modern-day businesses couldn’t even begin to meet the demands of their global clientele!

With that being said, it is time to take a closer look into some of the top benefits of industrial automation:

Reduction in operational costs is also possible with industrial automation

Industrial automation companies in Pune never fail to acknowledge the fact that the operational cost for running an industrial plant is huge. On top of that, if the plant is solely relying on the human workforce, the recurring cost doubles in the end.

Now, when an industrialist decides to replace its human workers, working in complicated but crucial points in the production process with automation solutions, in the end, they will be saving a lot.

It is true that the initial cost of industrial automation is a tad bit high than employing human workers. But that spent money will come back in the form of huge ROIs. Furthermore, the only costs of industrial automation are energy charges, yearly maintenance, and necessary upkeep. So getting in touch with the top automation companies in Pune is not a bad idea at all!

Businesses can increase safety in its manufacturing units with automation solutions

One of the most important factors that an industrialist should take into account is to ensure the working environment in their assembly lines or manufacturing units are safe.

Industrial processes are often riddled with processes that are way too dangerous for human workers. Replacing human workers with robots or devices makes the whole production process safer.

Large scale production of hazardous chemicals, handling of extremely heavy goods, working in extremely high temperatures and inhaling poor quality air can reduce the life expectancy of human workers drastically.

Industrial automation puts an end to all that by ensuring accidents and loss of human life are eradicated.

It helps a company to increase its flexibility factor

A human workforce would need extensive training before the same can be deployed to complete new processes in an industrial environment. On top of that, post-training, a human operator working in the assembly line of a new process will take some time to get used to the new step in the process.

This leads to lost time thus bringing down the productivity of the company and increase operational costs in the form of trainer fees.

Industrial automation solutions from leading industrial automation companies in Pune, on the other hand, consists of devices and robots that come pre-programmed to complete a variety of tasks.

Using automation in an industrial environment means if a new process is included in an existing one, all one has to do is include the particulars in the firmware of the robots/devices, thus increasing the flexibility of the company by many folds.

Industrialists and businesspersons alike should always keep in mind that it is best to consult with leading automation companies in Pune for best results. The reason is simple, to begin with – these firms are adept at offering customized solutions to businesses that are on par with their unique needs. In the end, adopting industrial automation solutions is a foolproof way of staying ahead in the corporate world.


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